OK, WHO exactly is turning this into a crisis? Who had a smallpox vaccine manufactured and ready to go when? Who stands to earn $ from promoting this?
Repeating history? Just like COVID was "simulated" by those with vested $ interests months before, the same thing was done with this new global pandemic scare.
COVID-19 "vaccines" compromise the immune system, making folks MORE prone to other infections at their peril (See just below the first SOURCE reference)
On Day 1 of the #betterwayconference in Bath, England, international expert in vaccinology, Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche, commiserates with Canadians about our covid-vaccine-based medical tyranny: vaccine-free Canadians still cannot fly between provinces; BC has a blanket ban on visits to the elderly in nursing homes; doctors are barred from treating patients with proven early treatments; unions still mandate masking/vaxxing of their workers; policy makers do not understand the inverted totalitarianism we are all experiencing.
Exactly WHAT is the deal with the BC manufacturers of lipid nanoparticles and the federal government plus the Trudeau Foundation? Who is gaining financially? Patent investigator Dr. David Martin explains. (His record includes finding the pre-2019 patent applications for the components of SARS-CoV-2 Virus AND Vaccine). Now he turns his eye to the complicity of certain Canadians in fraud and racketeering. See also plans for continued procurement of the vax
A massive power grab by the UN World Health Organization and the Biden administration — with the World Economic Forum and Bill Gates in the background — is an attempt to subvert national sovereignty and build a one-world government with totalitarian rule, warned mRNA pioneer Dr. Robert Malone. See also the database of WEF trainees here: https://maloneinstitute.org/wef
Dr. Eric Payne, Calgary pediatric neurologist, epilepsy specialist, former Mayo Clinic specialist brings podcaster Shaun Newman of Lloydminster up to date. Starting near the 55 minute mark of Episode #252, the details specific to children, COVID, vaccines etc. are clearly explained. Prior to that both speakers share their impressions of the Ottawa Freedom Convoy.
US Cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough and crime writer John Leake talk about their new book, THE COURAGE TO FACE COVID 19: PREVENTING HOSPITALIZATION AND DEATH WHILE BATTLING THE BIOPHARMACEUTICAL COMPLEX. Scroll down to May 16, 2022 as new episodes are always being added to this same link.
Imagine the US Surgeon General in the call out for examples of "COVID-19 misinformation" receiving this official 6 page report highlighting the MISinformation that many western state governments are disseminating among their populations. A PDF version with references is accessible for easy sharing by clicking below.
Highly experienced psychologist Dr. Peter Breggin provides the big picture here - including the amendments proposed by the USA to the WHO's International Health Regulations... this would be a step in the quest by some for a global hegemonic system.
17,000 physicians and medical scientists declare that the state of medical emergency must be lifted, scientific integrity restored, and crimes against humanity addressed. The link connects to the declaration and to a video of the associated Press Release. See also this panel discussion: https://globalcovidsummit.org/news/malone-cole-urso-a-doctors-roundtable
Scroll below the interview to see the list of timestamps for easier identification of the content of this very valuable interview with US pathologist Dr. Ryan Cole. The correlation between the covid-19 injections and increased cancer rates, and many other topics are addressed in this casual conversation.
When government controls healthcare it can go as far as politicians dictating doctors on what kind of procedures and medicines to prescribe to their patients, due to pressures and incentives favored by Big Pharma, insurance companies, and big hospital chains. Who actually benefits here? This conversation between Dr. Robert Malone and Dr. Peter McCullough from early March, 2022 provides an interesting lens to help understand the current COVID crisis.
American medical podcaster Dr. Brett Weinstein states: If our rights are to be protected, if our health is to be improved, if we are to benefit from good vaccines and good medications and good information, we must regain control of our captured system.
True North independent journalist Candice Malcolm in conversation with academic ethicist Dr. Julie Ponesse chat about questions such as: Why is is that classical liberals have abandoned their former distrust of big corporations? Does a majority of the population what to be able to have a subset of the population to blame failures on? Why have there not been more people stepping up to challenge the narrative? What's with the demonization of the "unvaccinated" and other unsupported claims being made -- by Justin Trudeau, by mainstream media, etc.
As if on cue, corporate owned mainstream media outlets across the country ran near duplicates of a report of a study by an Ontario team that was quickly debunked as unscientific by a number of key Canadian and other scientists. A real lesson in how easily the choice of numbers can flip study results. See how Dr. Byram Bridle addresses some of the study's faults.
Dr. Jessica Rose shares screen caps of many of the papers who ran the Fisman study mentioned to the left. In violation of the Canadian Journalists' Code of Ethics, they did not ensure that "both sides of the story" were reported on. They can now be called upon to print corrections. Dr. Rose also explains the poor modelling done and the use of unsubstantiated assumptions that lead to particular study results.
Vaccine safety advocate Steve Kirsch looked into the authors of this problematic study. He also links to additional professional reviews of the flaws in the study which would provide plenty of reasons for the paper to be retracted and journalists to run corrections on their original article.
Queensland Senator Malcom Roberts explains how repeated vaccination is doing more harm than good. He addresses those responsible for hiding/ignoring information about vaccine-induced injuries and deaths who have been running a "protection racket for the pharmaceutical industry" and have betrayed the Australian people. He states that they will not be "getting away with it."
Senator Malcolm Roberts hosted this inquiry into the Australian government’s response to COVID-19. Here is the indexed video library of the doctors, scientists, experts, economists, and other people who spoke at the event. This includes Dr Tess Lawrie, Dr Peter McCullough, Dr Kat LIndley, Dr Pierre Cory, Dr Robert Brennan and many others.
This summary by America's Frontline Doctors discusses “immune erosion” or “acquired immune deficiency” in the repeatedly vaccinated, accounting for elevated incidence of myocarditis and other post-vaccine illnesses that either affect them more rapidly, resulting in death, or more slowly, resulting in chronic illness. Also discussed: the possibility of becoming dependent on (addicted to) monthly boosters to maintain immunity.
This two-part documentary produced by the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms is a good introduction to many of the concerns around COVID-19 mitigation policies instigated over the past 2+ years.
The link below leads to a written summary of one of multiple days of court testimony focused mostly on Dr. Hinshaw's directive around lockdowns. Searching "Hinshaw Trial Update" on the JCCF website allows access to the April 4 trail summary as well as previous and later dates. Or listen to these interviews: https://www.jccf.ca/projects-media/podcasts/ & https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JmBr_JipkxA
Listen to the voices of those whom Bill Gates labels 'crazy people' and see what you think. Starting at 38 min in, topics range from Elon Musk; at 1.20 Big Pharma as well as manufactured climate change (see geoengineeringwatch.org/); 1.38 justice for the vaccinated; stopping the global plans of the WHO; 1.50 how the RCMP and the PM are more loyal to the crown than to the citizens; 2.20 close with some pandemic humour
When a vaccine developer and well known scientist meets a crackerjack talk show host/political commentator...This three hour interview gets into the background of many aspects of the COVID-19 story, including the question of how so many people can continue "believing in COVID" and getting vaccinated DESPITE the mounting evidence AGAINST the efficacy and safety of this produce. A recent shorter interview with Dr. Malone with Rebel News staff can be found here: https://www.rebelnews.com/interview_dr_robert_malone_on_the_covid_vaccine_trucker_convoys_and_world_economic_forum. See also: https://brownstone.org/articles/faucis-united-front-is-collapsing/.
An investigative journalist from "The PULSE" interviews Shabnam Palesa Mohamed from the World Council For Health. They discuss the WHO pandemic treaty and the concerning aspects showcased within the early documents the organization has released. See also "The Death of Freedom" from a financial perspective here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R15SoEOV8XE and more financially themed topics here:
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9lKBRxxsDIarUmNaPe0h0Q. Finally, see https://reclaimthenet.org/world-government-summit-speculates-on-digital-money/
Of course mainstream media can NOT mention COVID-19 vaccine in conjunction with any of the stories of unusual injuries or conditions suddenly being experienced by young, health, top fit athletes. With FIFTEEN players all out on a single day, some questions need to be asked...
See also https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6e24UHzhC4o which addresses how 400 athletes could have collapsed or died within 6 months, in close proximity of the COVI-19 vaccination products.
Vaccine Safety advocate Steve Kirsch reports to the Pennsylvania State Senate. His comments re: the blood clots found by embalmers start at the 14 minute mark. 93% of cases being embalmed have large never-seen-before blood clots. Kirsch explains how the mainstream press is not addressing fraud in the Pfizer clinic trial (where more people died who took the vaccine than the placebo). He describes how looking at the VAERS numbers, you come up with 150,000 who have been killed by the vaccine. "We kill 117 kids to save one life, because everyone is focused on saving lives from COVID but doctors are not allowed to talk about deaths to vaccines. ... Autopsies show that at least 30-40% of recent deaths must be due to vaccine", yet doctors are silenced or threatened if they try to speak out.
Computational Biologist Dr. Jessica Rose discusses the Bradford Hill Criteria for determining Causation in the case of Vaccine Injuries. With insurance companies now reporting non-COVID deaths (all cause mortality) among 18 to 64 year olds up 40% over pre-pandemic, pre-COVID vax levels (see the 9 minute mark) Dr. Rose begins her insightful explanation at about 13min 55. She calls out the regulatory agencies for turning a blind eye to such devastating numbers. See also this brief clip re: how some insurance companies are refusing to provide payout after vaccine deaths, ruling a death by experimental vaccine akin to suicide. See: https://rumble.com/vxdjqs-frontline-flash-daily-dose-vax-death-insurance-payout-denied-with-dr.-peter.html
Three US military whistleblowers testified recently as part of legal action by US Attorney Tom Renz. Lt Col Chambers tells Steve Kirsch of his own vax injury and of his attempts to provide soldiers with more complete information re: COVID-19 vaccination than the military and the health agencies normally provide. Col Chambers' "safety talk" resulting in very few military personal providing informed consent to their first or second dose. For this, he was let go. Click below for some behind the scenes insight into US military command structure. Start at the 32m50s mark (up to 54 minutes.) All guests on this episode represent various aspects of the US military.
Indian WIONews host Palki Sharma explains how the pandemic has revealed the power of big pharma. See also: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XCciAJJMt9Q and comments by Dr. Jessica Rose
Drs. Alexander and Trozzi provided evidence of a lack of proper study design, etc. already last October. Their most recent posting of the same film is truly worth a second look, especially in the context of recently released Pfizer (and Moderna) trial study data. See https://strongandfreecanada.org/iron-will/the-coming-real-pandemic-of-the-vaccinated/
Steve Kirsch points to an opinion piece in the BMJ (formerly British Medical Journal) which discusses how evidence based medicine has been corrupted by corporate interests, failed regulation, and the commercialization of academia. See also this account of data corruption reported by former Pfizer clinical trial site director Brook Jackson, an example of how "evidence" was not what it appeared: https://flybynews.wordpress.com/2021/12/31/pfizer-whistleblower-exposes-vaccine-data-cover-up/
See also the numbers from Pfizer trial data as explained by Dr. Daniel Ngase (a 30% side effect is unheard of with any medicine; also 40% of children in the trial had side effects. Canadian health authorities were informed ahead of time but took no action.
British comic, actor, YouTuber Russel Brand responds to Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla's musings on the need for a Fourth booster. Brand explains how when some information is amplified, contrasting information can ALSO be true and should not be censored. See also https://brandnewtube.com/watch/russell-brand-so-this-is-how-pfizer-did-it-february-23-2022_oytxssloeg9oox4.html?lang=english
Dr. Tess Laurie had met with Dr. Andrew Hill to plan how to approach lobbying the UK government to authorize the use of ivermectin as a treatment option. Now, in this video letter, she questions why Dr. Hill chose instead to side with the Gates-funded agency that denied the efficacy of Ivermectin at a major cost to human life.
The proposed World Health Pandemic Agreement would give the WHO the authority to overrule the constitutional rights of the citizens of all signatory nations the next time a pandemic rolls around. Many who connect the dots between the the pre-2019 patents of both the virus and the vaccine, the recent changes to definitions of "vaccine" & "pandemic" and the advent of digital identification see this proposal as dangerous, unwelcome & chilling. See also the information on this topic provided by the UK's Alliance for Natural Health: https://www.anhinternational.org/news/the-who-pandemic-treaty-a-backdoor-to-global-governance/
Each week, Mary Holland, Children’s Health Defense president, and Polly Tommey, co-producer of “Vaxxed, both strong advocates for vaccine safety, provide an update on the recent related news stories. This is a valuable service for all seeking a SINGLE SPOT to catch up on the news, as it is overwhelming to follow every angle one's self! This week's discussion includes: a link to ALL of the Pfizer documents released so far: https://phmpt.org/pfizers-documents/; recent statements by CDC Director Rochelle Walensky; how investors are dumping Pfizer & Moderna stocks; news from the Vaccine Credential Initiative (i.e. Digital IDs) and much much more.
Edward Dowd, former Wall Street insider and Blackrock investment executive, blows the whistle on the public/private partnership that allows for corruption with deadly consequences. When 50% of the budget of the drug regulators comes from BigPharma, and there is a revolving door between the FDA and the drug makers, we end up with the greatest crimes in modern history. Discussion topics include cherry picking of data and fraudulently claiming that 95% "efficacy rate." The side effect profile is now at 1 in 25 (not counting deaths).
This clip shows a Canadian nurse angry after learning that Pfizer published an extensive list of vaccine adverse effects already in APRIL 2020, while at the same time health care professionals faced a vaccine mandate at work AND were not only telling patients that these products were "safe and effective" but were most likely injecting them with potentially harmful materials. (Note, this nurse is speaking from the heart. Her use of expletives underscores the depth of her consternation.) See also: 5.3.6-postmarketing-experience.pdf (phmpt.org)
"I can tell you where I was when the CNN feed came – that it was 95% effective, the vaccine [it’s not]. So many of us wanted to be helpful. So many of us wanted to say ‘okay, this is our ticket out,’ right?" Dr. Walensky, as a political appointee, appears not to have a deep understanding of the issues at hand.
Sheldon Yakiwchuk has been paying close attention to legal action by lawyers Jeff Rath and Leighton Grey. A fascinating read (Start with Day 2, on February 14 - the first day being commented on).
So... do the mRNA vaccine products enter the nucleus and impact DNA? Swedish researchers found that once spike proteins enter the cell nuclei, it suppresses a DNA repair mechanism inside the body. Dr. Raszek reviews a Pfizer document showing that spike protein from the vaccines enters the nucleus. Dr. Mikolaj Rasjek is a genomics expert who received his doctorate degree (PhD) in biochemistry and his Bachelors in genetics from the University of Alberta in Canada.
A CDC study found that myocarditis skyrocketed in men 12-24 years old after mRNA COVID vaccination. The vast majority of cases – 82 percent – followed a second shot. Another serious reason not to line up for the next jab. A far cry from all the claims of safety and efficacy we have been hearing all along: https://rumble.com/vvzeuv-trust-the-science-a-pandemic-tribute.html
A wide ranging conversation from science and trucks to blood and mandates, protests, and lots more...
Dr McCullough outlines the latest findings on frequent booster shots - harm to the body's immune system.
A passionate Dr. Alexander presses for accountability from authorities who made ill-informed non-science-based COVID-19 policies. He reiterated how CHILDREN must not be given the COVID-19 injections due to the high risk of adverse events and the low risk of contracting CPVID.
When our top public health officials can no longer point to the science that supports current public health measures in the wake of the Omicron variant and insights into vaccine inefficacy, it is time to vote those measures out!
The UK government admits that vaccines have damaged the natural immune system of those who have been double-vaccinated. The UK government has admitted that once you have been double-vaccinated, you will never again be able to acquire full natural immunity to Covid variants - or possibly any other virus. So let's watch the "real" pandemic begin now! In its Week 42 "COVID-19 Vaccine Surveillance Report", the UK Department of Health admits on page 23 that "N antibody levels appear to be lower in people who become infected after two doses of vaccination". It goes on to say that this drop in antibodies is essentially permanent. What does this mean? We know that vaccines do not prevent infection or transmission of the virus (indeed, the report elsewhere shows that vaccinated adults are now much more likely to be infected than unvaccinated ones). The British now find that the vaccine interferes with the body's ability to make antibodies after infection not only against the spike protein but also against other parts of the virus. In particular, vaccinated people do not appear to form antibodies against the nucleocapsid protein, the envelope of the virus, which is a crucial part of the response in unvaccinated people. In the long term, the vaccinated are far more susceptible to any mutations in the spike protein, even if they have already been infected and cured once or more. The unvaccinated, on the other hand, will gain lasting, if not permanent, immunity to all strains of the alleged virus after being naturally infected with it even once. Source:https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/1027511/Vaccine-surveillance-report-week-42.pdf The first insurance companies are backing down because a huge wave of claims is coming their way. Anthony Fauci confirms that the PCR test cannot detect live viruses. Anthony Fauci confirms that neither the antigen test nor the PCR test can tell us whether someone is contagious or not!!! This invalidates all the foundations of the so-called pandemic. The PCR test was the only indication of a pandemic. Without PCR-TEST no pandemic For all the press workers, doctors, lawyers, prosecutors etc. THIS is the final key, the ultimate proof that the measures must all be lifted immediately.
Canadians nationwide are cheering on the truckers, and are joining up with Take Back Our Freedoms, to inform provincial, territorial and federal decision makers as to where the handling of SARS-CoV-2 went wrong. And as more and more Canadians become aware of the backstory, it is less and less possible for any government to hang on to the mandates.
Dan Hartman tells the Toronto Board of Health about his late 17 year old son Sean Hartman, who died a month after taking his first COVID-19 injection. An avid hockey player, Sean took the shot simply because it was mandated by the arena where his hockey team played. See also:
An early developer of mRNA vaccine technology, American Dr. Robert Malone writes about Integrity, Dignity, and Community along with Censorship, Totalitarianism and the need, above all, to protect the children from life long damage.
Top Canadian Public Health officials did not accept an invitation put to them by Dr. Paul Alexander, Ph.D., Dr. Byram Bridle, Ph.D., and Dr. Roger Hodkinson, MD to debate the science that upholds the vaccine mandates in Canada. In the absence of the government officials, these scientists indicated how flimsy the government's scientific basis is. (Skip over the set up to where the event begins 13 minutes into the recording.) For nearly 1000 studies speaking against continued mRNA injections, see:
A dispassionate look at ONTARIO's COVID-19 case numbers shows the direction of the graphs. The Canadian Covid Care Alliance has the data ready for downloading here as well as the following video explanation:
Dr. Elizabeth Bastian, Dr. Charles Hoffe an Dr. Stephen Malthouse were among those physicians who spoke up to share information at the recent Vancouver World Wide Freedom Rally 6.0. They spoke about the risks of COVID-19 vaccination even though doctors who share medical opinions that differ from those of public health bureaucrats are seen by their College as "undermining the fight against COVID-19." They encourage all listeners to inform themselves by getting more than one opinion when it comes to COVID-19 vaccination.
The World Council for Health is live streaming scientific conferences as well as General Meeting. The topic on February 5 was "Understanding Vaccine Causation." Speakers include well-known pathologists like Dr. Arne Burkhard, Dr. Ryan Cole. At the 3 hour 30 minute mark, we hear from Avital Livney (The Israeli Testimonies Project) about symptoms tingling fingers, heavy feet, legs, arms and the patients feeling like they aged 20-30 years after their jab. Frequent symptoms include an earache spreading to the head, the neck, etc. Also not rare are violent painful, burning, itching rashes or sudden hair loss.
“Our vaccines are working exceptionally well … but what they can’t do anymore is prevent transmission.” CDC Director Rochelle Walensky January 10 2022.
Nobel prize winner and top virologist Luc Montagnier calls for an immediate halt to the COVID vaccines. Here are his full remarks.
I ask all my colleagues to absolutely stop vaccinating with this type of vaccine. Doctors today are perfectly informed of what I am saying, and therefore they should intervene immediately because the future of humanity is at stake.
Wisconson Senator Ron Johnson hosted a second hearing featuring many of the biggest (silenced) names in the US when it comes to the treatment of patients with COVID-19 and/or vaccine injuries. The full 5 hour session can be seen here: https://www.truthforhealth.org/2022/01/covid-19-a-second-opinion/ The "highlights" are seen below.
Hon. Brian Peckford, former premier of Newfoundland & Labrador explains how the Charter of Rights and Freedoms was written and why he is launching a lawsuit against the Government of Canada in this regard.
WARNING: this is not for the faint of heart. When an embalmer reports never before seen long, rubbery fibrous bloodclots in those known to have taken a COVID-19 vaccine, someone has got to be listening... More on the same topic can be found here: https://rumble.com/vucdbi-embalmer-richard-hirschman-reveals-novel-clotting-in-65-of-cases.html
While the messaging might be that the mandates can be dropped due to high vaccination rates, it is the nature of Omicron that is showing how vaccination does nothing to stop the spread. See also https://covexit.com/omicron-policy-implications/
Dr. Eric Payne, Digital Data Investigator David Dickson, and even some US bloggers take a peek at Alberta's numbers. Until AHS took some of them down, and admitted to errors in others...Reporting of Adverse Events Following Immunization increased sharply the last two days. With a 1% reporting rate, we can estimate that 1 in 738 can actually be 1 in 7. Stop the boosters now!
COVID-19 infection or vaccine injured patients are collaborating with the medical research community to seek treatment. See published research on 12 categories of adverse events. NOTE: Clicking on the song "Silence" reveals disturbing footage of vaccine injure patients. Reports such as these are sadly becoming increasingly common on non-censored media platforms. Facebook however, has taken down a support group of the vaccine injured and their families that had aleardy reached over 200,000 members. (Facebook also invests heavily in BigPharma. 'Nuff said!)
An update from the Corona Investigative Committee, a pair of German lawyers whose initial investigation of all things COVID Pandemic has grown to 50 lawyers over many countries. The discovery of rolling series of more deadly batches of vaccines among the 4 companies looks suspiciously like coordinated experimentation on lethality. Dr. Fuellmich, the lead investigator, was previously known for blowing open VW's coverup of faked emissions data. Detailed transcript included.
The "voice of reason in today's world" well loved former nursing instructor, Scottish Dr. John Campbell provides near daily updates on the COVID situation in the UK. Given that it is almost inevitable that everyone will catch Omicron, this will also act as a live attenuated virus vaccine, building long lasting immunity without strong symptoms and with quick recovery. But to prepare, especially for the elderly or those with multiple conditions... look after your health, etc. BEFORE you run into the virus!! (NOTE he says the booster is OK for the 65+ with other conditions. But others are pointing out the extra blow the immune system gets from those, including the 65+ crowd.)
This pro-freedom, anti-censor comic assembled video footage of key US health officials backtracking on many of the key tenets of this pandemic, including Dr. Fauci & Rochelle Walensky. Recent reports by Project Veritas, a Senate ruling, even a Canadian protestor berating Justin Trudeau were included in this 17 minute compilation.
Going viral.. when THE KEY GUY in early mRNA vaccine development goes from being censored by vaccine investing Social Media corporations to appearing on the Joe Rogan Experience, we've just got to listen in and hear what he has to say. (Settle in for a three hour talk that clearly outlines so MANY of today's issues.)
Tenured UBC professor of Immunology and Neurology, founder of of Kinexus Bioinformatics, and chair of the scientific and medical advisory committee for the Canadian COVID Care Alliance, tells Rebel News why science is NOT on the side of the vaccines.
Dr. Michael Palmer, a chemistry professor from University of Waterloo, explains step by step how mRNA vaccines work, and don't work... i.e., why they are being deemed "toxic." Using slides of healthy and diseased tissue, etc. Dr. Palmer presents us with a full on 30 minute science lecture that might answer some of our recent questions.
In his second call to the WHO, world renowned virologist, vaccine researcher and biotech consultant, Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche, explains that letting the doubly vaccinated catch the weak Omincron variant will help to sterilize (kill and eliminate) the virus naturally, whereas booster shots will only drive more mutations, this time teaching the virus to enter the cells via other routes (with grave consequences, such as Antibody Dependent Enhancement). He was right with his earlier warnings, very likely right again now!
Alberta constitutional lawyer Jeff Rath as well as Calgary Professor & Anesthesiologist Dr. Joanna Moser discuss a recent letter received by unvaccinated AHS workers that they can return to work after all, as long as they pay for the cost of rapid testing. Financial, ethical and legal implications make up the bulk of this conversation. They also address the irony that vaccinated people can spread Omicron even more than the unvaccinated. It is now seen as an OHS hazard to not screen all employees equally.
Entrepreuneur and vaccine safety advocate Steve Kirsch writes this fake yet instructive email from Dr. Fauci's point of view. He outlines many of the insane policy decisions seen since the start of the declared pandemic, from masking, vaxxing, censorship etc. etc. Follow his Substack channel for a daily rundown of international COVID-19 and vaccine related stories. https://stevekirsch.substack.com/
1,314 new cases in the vaccinated (79.8%) versus 316 new cases among the unvaccinated (19.2%)
6,018 active cases in the vaccinated (71.99%) versus 2,240 active cases among the unvaccinated (26.8%)
Disclaimer: "vaccine status" is not actually "vaccine uptake" as people are considered UN vaccinated for 13 days after they receive the inoculation & the figures for "cases" are also unreliable as AHS does not reveal the cycle threshold at which COVID tests are measured. Any tests run at a Ct of 24 and higher runs a strong risk of showing up as a false positive.
Given the information in the field, AHS officials should rush to change the information they are providing to the population. Webpages such as https://www.alberta.ca/covid19-vaccine-myths-and-facts.aspx do not stand up to the information found on pages such as
The credentials of those posting this information, their publication records, teaching histories and patient treatment background indicates that they are NOT "anti-vaxxers," "science deniers," or "conspiracy theorists."
IGNORE the messaging you are hearing that a third booster will help against the Omicron wave.
a) The formulation is still the same as that for the Wuhan virus... Omicron's shape is too different for Wuhan antibodies to properly attach... this is one reason why there are so many cases in the vaccinated.
b) People assume they are getting protection and put themselves at risk, associating with other vaccinated people. The vaccine reduces the severity of symptoms, so infectious vaccinated people are more likely to be spreading Covid wiithout realizing it. They have the same or a greater viral load than the vaccine free.
c) Each dose of the mRNA and viral vector vaccine product triggers more auto-immune damage, where the body's own immune cells attack those cells that were taught to make the spike protein, leading to blood clots, cardiac arrest, myocarditis, especially in those at peak fitness level where the heart pumps more quickly and efficiency, moving the dangers around faster
d) Cancer tumor growth rates as well as viral and bacterial infection rates are speeding up as the body's defense mechanisms against those appear to be compromised due to the vaccination. Ditto miscarriages.
e) Omicron is proving itself to be MUCH milder than previous waves. Patients typically come with aches and pains in their muscles and limbs, headaches, and some tiredness. Meanwhile hospitals in Alberta are seeing a steep rise in COVID vaccine injuries, including in pediatric beds.
Curious students ask questions that the teacher attempts to answer. A brief look at some of the key contradictions in official messaging.
Croatian Member of the European Parliament, Ivan Sinčić, recently provided this clear message to the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen.
Australian emergency department doctor is so upset by the quantity and type of vaccine injuries he's witnessed professionally, he's risking his career by breaking the regulator's imposed censorship of concerns.
The Canadian Covid Care Alliance presents a thorough look at the shortcomings of the Pfizer COVID-19 studies. Given the lack of transparency and reliable data, everyone should think twice before booking more injections.
This video, with medical patent researcher and data analyst, Dr. David Martin, speaks for itself.
When 31% of study participants die, have permanent disabilities, or do not recover, there is no way a drug should be authorized. It's insane that governments who should have received this report on April 30th, 2021 continue misleading the public about its safety instead of pulling the products immediately.
Toronto SUN reporters cover a gathering of first responders who are set to lose their jobs for choosing not to disclose their vaccine status. (No such reporting on similar situations in Alberta.) See also a Toronto SUN report calling for Dr. Teresa Tam's resignation here:
Dr. Paul Elias Alexander's compilation of more than 400 Studies on the Failure of Compulsory Covid Interventions is one of the topic of discussion in this interview and is now online at https://brownstone.org/articles/more-than-400-studies-on-the-failure-of-compulsory-covid-interventions/
This interview with UBC prof Dr. Steven Pelech is essential viewing before anyone vaccinates their children or goes to get additional boosters as it shows how those actions can lead to more harms than benefits.
The independent newspaper Druthers ran this article in their November issue. Australia's Orwellian tracking App, vaccination mandates here and there, etc.
Also very noteworthy this week RFK Jr.'s book on Dr. Fauci. (sorry no link)
Toronto Sun reporter Anthony Furey presents FUREY FACTOR: NEW COVID VARIANT: Should Justin Trudeau shut down all of our borders? The answer... No. This variant is far too mild.
Former NY Times journalist Alex Berenson suggests a simple way to share COVID-19 pandemic & vaccination information with those who still believe the current COVID-19 vaccine products are safe.
Dr. Robert Malone tells parents not to give their children the COVID-19 shot. The chance of a healthy child getting severe side effects is greater than them getting Covid. See the Webinars posted by the Unity Project for more details: https://unityprojectonline.com/webinars/
Covid vaccines will keep you from acquiring full immunity EVEN IF YOU ARE INFECTED AND RECOVER - Former NY Times investigative reporter looks through reports that show that these products weaken immunity.
Catholic Archbishop Carlo María Viganò is well known as a dissenter in Italy. He has taken a strong stance against the Vatican's carte blanche endorsement of the current vaccine products. Here he calls for an anti-globalist alliance of those who wish to stop totalitarianism.
Round Table convened by US Senator Ron Johnson about vaccine injuries and mandates. Click below for the full version with medical experts, etc. Click on the image for a shorter version focusing on the injured. (i.e. Ernest Ramirez discussing his son's death at 4 min 50, and others)
One of the leaders in early antiviral treatment for COVID-19 discusses the latest successes with Sequenced Multidrug Therapy, with least an 85% reduction of hospitalization and death, without the danger of injuries from and other adverse reactions to the COVID-19 vaccine products.
Check out the tweet by AB Education Minister Adriana LaGrange, complete with signed official letter. "School authorities cannot deny their students access to education due to their immunization status."
Clinical pathologist Dr. Ryan Cole delivers a powerful talk on the risks of vaccinating children at the Florida COVID Summit.
Former NHLer, current podcaster Shawn Newman in a 1 1/2 hour long wide ranging conversation with an Alberta police officer. They discuss the everyday impact of proof of vaccination mandates among Alberta's police service.
Alberta Educators for Human Rights supports staff working in schools. Similar to public servants, air line industry, employees, enforcement and healthcare workers, groups opposed to proof of vaccination mandates are starting to become better known through Social Media. Will employers & governments see & listen?
Gone are the heady days of January/February when the first COVID-19 vaccines were looking so positive. Study after study now confirms that these vaccine products do not do as promised, they do not keep those injected from getting ill or transmitting COVID-19. High level US experts pooled together this list of 28 studies and analyses of the current situation. Required reading for all policy makers and the general public!
Will Dove interviews Dr. Pelech, professor of immunology and neurology at the University of British Columbia for 33 years, and one of the founding members of the Biomedical Research Center at UBC. Under discussion: how immunity works; how many of us have developed natural immunity following symptomatic and asymptomatic COVID-19; how the vaccinated AND the unvaccinated alike can transmit the virus; how the vaccines can drive auto-immune attacks (around Minute 51) and more.
Associate Editor of the British Medical Journal Dr. Peter Doshi calls for a return to critical and rational thinking. Just what does "everyone know"? Just who are "anti-vaxxers"? What if COVID-19 "vaccines" were called "drugs", how would that change our perception? Was removed from YouTube, reposted on BitChute.
Post Covid-19 Injection Syndrome (also called Post Covid-19 Vaccine Syndrome or pCoVS) is a new complex multi-system inflammatory syndrome. The World Council for Health describes this syndrome along with a list of treatment protocols. The World Council for Health is a worldwide coalition of health-focused organizations and civil society groups that seek to broaden public health knowledge and sense-making through science and shared wisdom.
Speaking at an event focused on Youth Sport, immunologist and vaccine developer Dr. Byram Bridle (U of Guelph) tells parents why holding off on childrens' vaccines at this time is the better choice. See also his April 2021 talk where he educates listeners about vaccines: https://covexit.com/covid-19-immunology-101-part-1/ (From APRIL, before Adverse Effects were widely known.)
Four AB doctors file law suit
Calgary pediatric neurologist and three others file a statement of claim stating: Any medical procedure performed on a patient without their informed consent amounts to assault. This follows a letter sent by Calgary lawyer Jeffrey Rath to both the College of Physicians & Surgeons of Alberta and AHS. (Rath's letter is included under "Following the Science.")
The COVID-19 Canadian Covid Care Alliance Declaration
September 24, 2021 provides information and evidence of I. Early Treatment and Prophylaxis
II. Vaccine Safety and Surveillance
III. Immune Escape, Variants and Herd Immunity
IV. Informed Consent
V. Vaccine Passports (“Vax Pass”) and Vaccine Mandates
VI. Censorship
It also makes the 8 Recommendations related to COVID-19 restrictions, medical treatment, privacy, personal freedoms as well as on collaborative work and medical treatment options.
Click on the image to download the CCCA Declaration.