What COVID has done...

to our political & economic spectrum... it has turned things around 180 degrees...When the far left and the far right come together in totalitarian control, inverted totalitarianism and our role in keeping that at bay.. (No audio yet, still a work in progress.)  Please listen also to what Dr. Robert Malone explains about the INVERTED TOTALITARIANISM already present in governments today, via the WHO and the WEF here: https://thenewamerican.com/un-biden-health-scheme-seeks-global-government-warns-dr-malone/ 

Pandemic Alternative - a series of short videos on What Could Have / Should Have been done
(Click on the Image to access)

Combatting misinformation, one point at a time... Click on the image to open.

Thanking the many who are speaking out and sharing their findings. Click on the image to open.


Site Tutorials, Topic Updates, etc.

C O V I D - 1 9            V a c c i n e Update PART 1

November 14, 2021

Comparing recent publications from the Alberta government with the latest findings in the field - including Dr. Harvey Risch earlycovidcare.org/vaccinestudies/ 

C O V I D - 1 9            V a c c i n e Update PART 2

November 14, 2021

Looking at the Information Trail, the broken Chain of Consent, considerations for Employers, including the need to demand Policy makers to show their Proof - yet when their policies and publications run counter to Science, what then?

Welcome to this Site


Wondering how to navigate through this site? Click on the image. Wonder why this site exists? To share info too big to pass only by PDF!! Wondering about the disconnect between government policy and science in the field? You are in the right place! Let's get started!

Remembrance Day 2021

November 11, 2021

A speech written but never given. Remembering the veterans, the elderly, the everyday heroes, while critical of the policy makers who let the current situation unfold. Remembering the children most of all.

Informed Consent

Shared from David Dickson's YouTube page