Food for Thought

Collected on January 18, 2022 - scroll down for latest

Stop trying to "Do Something" that does nothing to prevent transmission

When COVID-19 mitigation policies are only in place so that politicians can look like they are 
"DOING SOMETHING" and have no improvement on public health, they have no place in a democratic society. This article by US litigation counsel Jenin Younes comes with HYPERLINKS TO KEY RECENT STATEMENTS including CDC Director Rochelle Walensky (who stated publicly that COVID-19 vaccines do not prevent transmission of the virus). 

Open up the country NOW

Dr. Jordan B. Peterson (professor of psychology, clinical psychologist, author and public speaker) comments on how the unending and unpredictable stream of restrictions, lockdowns, regulations and curfews are pushing our social systems to the breaking point. This opinion piece published in the National Post is called: Open the damn country back up, before Canadians wreck something we can’t fix - The country is growing more authoritarian in response to fear.

Trudeau's vilification of 'anti-vaxxers' opens the door to governments overriding of most fundamental understandings and principles.

Canadian political & cultural critic Rex Murphy's shares his thoughts on the current situation. For example: "Where is the Parliament of Canada when so much of our cardinal understanding of the nature of this country is being mutilated, basic freedoms amputated, our economy being laid waste, and every province made a mess of ever-shifting lockdowns, decrees, reverses and vacillations? COVID has not been managed: it has been one long, confusing, frustrating and gravely imperfect improvisation."

More Key recent Articles

Collected on January 23, 2022

A nurse comments: I've never seen a vaccine that...

Observations from an experienced nurse about the COVID vaccines, forwarded anonymously to US tech entrepreneur and vaccine safety advocate Steve Kirsch, posted January 18. (See also Kirsch's address from a January 23 Defeat the Mandates event here: 

When the power of the State violates the rights of the Individual

Leighton Grey Q.C. is a lawyer practicing in Alberta and B.C. He is also a status Indian whose Great Grandfather was once the Hereditary Chief of the Carry the Kettle or Jack Band at Sintaluta, Saskatchewan. In this essay he cites recent and older example that "our greatest enemy is blind faith in a benign state even when it plunders and oppresses individuals in the collective public interest." When employers want only one thing and makes continuation of employment wholly conditional upon vaccination, this is a betrayal of of Canadian workers, and violates the principles outlined in both the Nuremburg Code and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. The author refers to a letter written by Dr. Eric Payne, which can be read here: (Document #17)

Why the Emergency must be ended now

"We don’t mean that the virus is gone – omicron is still spreading wildly, and the virus may circulate forever. But with a normal focus on protecting the vulnerable, we can treat the virus as a medical rather than a social matter and manage it in ordinary ways. A declared emergency needs continuous justification, and that is now lacking." Read on to see what else these big names in epidemiology have to say. HARVEY RISCH, JAYANTA BHATTACHARYA, PAUL ELIAS ALEXANDER 

More thoughtful commentary

Collected on February 5, 2022

The Role of the Plutocratic Influence Network - an economic history lesson

The author of this wide ranging essay provides a frame of reference for this declared pandemic by looking at the enormous scale of foundation and think tank activity over the past decades - all in the aim of upholding a quickly crumbling economic globalism.

Digital Natives and the Inability(?) to Read Deeply

Media pundits, politicians and public health officials extolled the virtues of COVID-19 vaccines, yet their claims were NOT supported by the manufacturers' Briefing Documents. But when "the enormous gap between the known capabilities of the vaccines and what officialdom was saying they would do for us" was pointed out and people were unwilling to accept what could clearly be seen in print, they appeared willing to overlook the disconnect. The author believes to understand this, we must look closely at the  "epochal change in the overall cognitive habits of our culture."  We appear to be losing our ability to give sustained attention, to actively imagine for ourselves what the writer is trying to say and to "dialogue actively with the written page."  Because of this, we have "little understanding of the sense of power and self-possession that inevitably accrues" to those who have this ability. Instead we "latch on to the oral summaries of reality provided by those presented to [us] as being authoritative" to our detriment.

Bringing God back into public discourse

Feminist writer Dr. Naomi Wolf has a lot of justice oriented, activist, socially conscious, progressive friends who have for decades been deeply critical of Big Corp and its push to put profits before people. However, these very same friends who try to avoid chemicals, food additives, etc. appear to be loosing their critical thinking abilities when it comes to COVID-19 vaccines. The author writes about how she, as a former media darling, after tackling pandemic related topics has since been "deplatformed, cancelled, re-cancelled, deplatformed again, and called insane by dozens of the same news outlets that had commissioned me religiously for decades." Wolf, who had until now believed that her Jewish faith is something best kept private, contemplates Ephesians 6:12 -“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” She writes: "In contrast to hapless human mismanagement, this darkness has the tinge of the pure, elemental evil" and "I just don’t think just humans alone can solve this one, or can win this one on their own." "I do think we need to call, as Milton did, as Shakespeare did, as Emily Dickinson did, on help from elsewhere; on what could be called angels and archangels, if you will; on higher powers, whatever they may be; on better principalities, on whatever intercessors may hear us, on Divine Providence — whatever you want to call whomever it is you can hope for and imagine."

More Thoughtful Essays

Collected February 20, 2022

The truth will out this time…because it must

‘The media’s the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and make the guilty innocent, and that’s power. Because they control the minds of the masses.’ – Malcolm X
Undated Essay by Graham Crawford, from HOLDING THE LINE - Journalists against COVID Censorship

Like Father, Like Son - Manufacturing Crises

The Emergencies Act, recently invoked by Canadian PM Justin Trudeau, was previously invoked by his father during the October Crisis of 1970. However, that event’s true history reveals important yet unsettling parallels and lessons to Trudeau’s efforts to end the Freedom Convoy and related blockades.

Rev. Dietrich Bonhoeffer - on Government use of Emergency Acts, on staying silent, and on Stupidity

WWII era German pastor was executed two weeks before the end of the war. His timeless letters from prison are well worth revisiting today as is his theory of stupidity. (See also 

Food for Thought cont'd

Added late February, early March, 2022

Today's Journalism Students - considering Ottawa

This journalism professor, writing anonymously, reflects how protest movements are often framed by the media. Whither the fourth estate?

Excuses for Not Really Listening

Steve Kirsch has heard it all. In is work as tireless vaccine safety advocate he runs into so many people whose trust in the "official" messaging precludes them from really listening to the overwhelming data that points in the other direction. HIs ongoing collection of other people's excuses makes for a fascinating read. Click on the number to access the link.

Propaganda, Corporatism and the Hidden Global Coup

Dr. Robert Malone reflects on what we can learn from the Nazi's Chief Minister of Propaganda, Paul Joseph Goebbels: "If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it" as well as from French social psychologist Robert LeBon "when an individual becomes part of a crowd, he/she undergoes a profound psychological transformation." These are all insights that led Belgian professor Dr. Mattias Desmet to write about Mass Formation Psychosis. An insightful analysis of one of the key challenges of the current "battle for our hearts and minds."

Reflections on our Times

 posted March 13 - 30, 2022

Turning the Tables - how to talk the the Mass Formed and Still be Kind

In 2020, the MIT Technology published an article entitled: How to Talk to Conspiracy Theorists--And Still be Kind. It is interesting to see how what was considered "conspiracy theory" 20 months ago has now been shown to be "conspiracy truth." Now we need to turn the tables and apply some of the same recommendations when speaking with/writing to those in our circles who assume that our official (formerly) trusted organizations STILL have a monopoly on truth. Two years of corporate dominance in commerce, media, entertainment, medicine, health care etc. have had a huge impact on independent, critical thought. The list includes strategies like the "Truth Sandwich" and the Socratic Method.

Understanding Vaccine Hesitancy - Needle Points - Going Deep

This 38 page long deep dive into the history of vaccine hesitancy was written by psychiatrist,
psychoanalyst, and author Norman Doidge and published at the end of October, 2021. The issue of trust is paramount.

How Coercion compomised the Vaccine

This essay by Brownstone Institute founder Jeffrey Tucker addresses the veritable "data blizzard" around the entire COVID-19 crisis stating: "You can click all over the Internet on issues of vaccine safety and find articles in both directions. There are claims and counterclaims, assertions and fact checks, fact checks on the fact checks, and all of this continues without end." The role of the media, the question of conflicts of interests and many other points are included in this high level summary of our times. 

Analyzing Education

Posted April 23, 2022


Who should educate our Children?

For what type of a society are we trying to prepare the next generation? How does one prepare for a "technological and utilitarian" type of society? How important is it to be able to use logic and reason? This article from a Catholic perspective includes quotes from Plato as well as from the Catechism of the Catholic Church and addresses issues like the role of the family versus the state, practices around social engineering and more.

"Post-Truth" Schooling - Does it lead to a "Dumbing Down" of Society?

Economist Magnus Henrekson and political scientist Johan Wennström assess the decline of Swedish education in their latest book. They trace the departure from classical knowledge and arrive at today's “post-truth” schooling. "How, at a time when knowledge has never been so extensive and accessible, are we failing to encourage and express it?"


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