Building Common Ground

PDF copies of sections of a lengthy slide show. 
Meant as a teaching, awareness & bridge building tool between those who have taken COVID-19 vaccine injections once, twice, and/or multiple times and those who chose to remain vaccine-free (or to start refusing the 'jab'), whether at work, among friends, club members, between neighbours, family members, etc.


Doing no Harm + Seeking the Truth

We definitely share these values... but what concerns about harm can divide us? And isn't truth always the truth? Or do we define that term differently?

Understanding the Scientific Method

Duh!!! Isn't it the same for everyone? Well, we note two distinct tendencies... to continually question each result, or to treat certain results like fixed and permanent truths...

Defining Information and Misinformation

When is information misinformation? And by the way, what is the difference between data, knowledge, information and evidence? Clarifying these terms goes a long way toward mutual understanding

More Sections of Building Common Ground

Thanks for your interest! Keeping clicking on the numbers for more!

Understanding the GOOD, the RIGHT - And the morally WRONG
PLUS    The  Change Curve

Taking the vaccine is supposed to help the common GOOD. So how can anyone argue insisting on voluntary consent is not RIGHT? Do Good and Right mean different things? Included here: "Vaccine Hesitancy" vs Deep Conviction; the terms of the Nuremberg Code; calling for media hype so profit can follow; moving ahead with felony indictments. // And how to understand the maelstrom of pandemic-related emotions we are all feeling?

The FREE Press

OK, censorship. What's up with that?
Isn't that just something for dictatorships?
It's a free country, isn't it?

Why a free press is the cornerstone for democracy and LOTS and LOTS of news that might be new to you, if you have been limiting your news intake to "official sources."

Meanwhile your 'otherminded' friends and colleagues have silently been bearing the burden of destressing news of so much preventable loss of life. News they thought you might reject out of hand. 

Maybe not this time.


So everyone is talking about "Cognitive Dissonance" but what does it mean?
How can understanding this concept help us understand each other better?

And isn't the Rule of Law just something for Lawyers? (Not at all!!)

Building Common Ground (continued)

To see or download, click on the numbers


What a cool concept!! This explains why in some regions of the world politicians enacted MORE or FEWER measures/restrictions.
It was whatever the population could bear that would let the politician NOT become UNELECTABLE... hmm, the role of POPULAR OPINION. We've got work to do, if we want changes!!

Overton continued

(Sorry, something about file size means splitting these sections in odd places.)


We sing it all the time....
"O Canada, we stand on guard for thee!" But what does this mean?

We close with a few ideas of how we can make good on our promise to our country, especially if we didn't realize she was even in trouble!!