Letters to MPs to inform, to pursuade

Samples for your inspiration

Tell your story, plain and simple

One hometown, third generation Canadian and a small town citizen both tell it like it is!

Backgrounder on the Vaccine Issues (as  you debate the Emergency Act)

10 things to vote for while voting against the Emergency Act + Medical, Legal, Financial and other issues around the COVID-19 vaccines - To be read jointly with "What EVERY Government and Policy Maker NEEDS TO KNOW about
COVID-19 vaccines – the Problems with More Vaccinations"  (https://r.8b.io/387157/assets/files/1644775276499.pdf) 

Dear Jagmeet, let's explain the symbolism so you can concentrate on the matter at hand... you lost sight of the main point

How the NDP and others are misreading the reasons for the Trucker Convoy in the first place - to stop the HARM of vaccination and to FREE CANADA from corporate fascism. As victims of censored news, they have a lot of catching up to do!

More Consideration on Political Leadership etc.

To Members of Parliament

Thoughts on political leadership 

This was written around the time of the fall 2021 election - addressed specifically to PM Trudeau in reference to his comments on leadership, but highly relevant to ALL at this point in time... where are your allegiances? Keep asking as Jean Chretien did: Show me the Proof!!! Where is the type of leadership we used to see from the NDP?

What did Dietrich Bonhoeffer have to say?

Anti-fascist, deep thinking resistance fighter, theologian paid for his opposition to Hitler with his own life. HIs thoughts on government emergency power, on citizen inaction, and on human stupidity are well worth a read in this day and age.

Letter to NPD MPs - what do do with the disappointment

Responding to a former Educator - lots to educate MPs on -- Comparing the optimism with the disappointment, considering digital bioconvergence vs freedom, seeking to avoid division, by getting better informed, etc. etc.