Inspired by the insights and experiences of Vera Sharav, Naomi Wolf and Peter McCullough, I write about the need to give heed to the voices being silenced around us. Censorship by dictatorial forces is a key theme of this essay.
The second issue of our "Censored & Sidelined" Newsletter was never shared with others... it just kept growing such that many of its articles were at the base of the Compilation contained in this website. These brief comments remind us of some of our thoughts one year in.
This essay outlines in a simple way how a few investment fund managers have a lot of power in our day and age. It ends with a few suggestions for change.
Concerned friends were reacting to the information from the scientists and analysts that we were following. They worried that I was falling into the circle of "right wing conspiracy theorists." I started (but never finished) this email explaining that I continue to be as concerned as they are about the well being of humanity...
Many of the friends' concerns and comments overlapped, so, instead of responding to their emails individually, I started this fictional dialogue. One character spoke using points made by my friends. In response, the other character used information pulled from the science we were following. There was never any time to address all the comments, so to post this here, I abruptly ended the scene!
November 2021
Having recently (re)encountered a few Christian poems, prayers, song texts and wall plaques, I was reminded of how throughout past wars and other disasters, people drew strength from each other and through their faith. God provides support and guidance through and out of difficult times.
Wishing to THANK all those who have been contributing SO MUCH to public awareness and information sharing. Click below to get the PDF that is at the base of the VIDEO by the same name found on our VIDEOS page.
A dear friend, who is a hard working scientist through and through, was very disappointed to know that I still am not convinced by conventional pro-COVID VAX claims. This letter points to some of the recent findings that contradict conventional "mythbusting."
I wrote this poem a few years back and stumbled across it just as this year was coming to an end. A little bonus item to fill this page! The message of Christ's birth can come down to us, no matter in which dark places we may find ourselves.