Letters to Media

Feel free to send as is or adapt as needed

When is information misinformation?

Information is Data in Context (So MISinformation must be incorrect data in incomplete context perhaps?)



Card Subtitle

sometime soon


The ethics guidelines of the Canadian Association of Journalists 

January 18 2022

So chlling, to read the well-intentioned ethics guidelines NOW, 2 years into the declared pandemic, and to ascertain how far apart claim is from reality...


When no one calls out Gov't Misinformation

Jan 13 - 16, 2022

Why are no mainstream journalists calling out misinformation when it is the Premier or the CMOH who utter it? A narrow and incomplete context that misleads the public is MISinformation too!

Hello journalists & citizen journalists alike

Feel free to use the content and links in the PDFs attached below in your own communication with others.


Muzzled Media -->      Panic in the Population

December 31, 2021

When the mainstream media is as captured as the CDC/FDA etc, is it any wonder people are panicking and politicians push for extreme measures in the call for "safety"?


Urgent Call to Opinion Shapers

December 29, 2021

Members of the Media, of Think Tanks and any other societal organizations are URGENTLY needed to help shape public opinion AWAY from the dangerous and ineffective COVID-19 vaccines.              ONLY THEN will the politicians and their policies follow suit


Asking investigative journalists to START INVESTIGATING

August 4 & Dec 12, 2021

With so much going on, where are all the investigatave journalists? + THANK YOU to the few mainstream journalists who are starting to crack the door open!